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Starting at $4,000

My basic package includes 8 hours of coverage, my travel time and over 500 stunning images edited and delivered via your very own URL that can be shared with friends and family. All images will be available to download in various sizes from web to full resolution. I shoot all images in RAW and stylize/edit them within 60 days of your event. I am happy to shoot all wedding styes from large 200+ weddings to micro weddings.

For large weddings, we can discuss adding an assistant photographer and/or more time depending upon your needs.



Starting at $4,000

Basic video package includes 8 hours of coverage, my travel expenses and a cinematic edit from your entire wedding day. This includes several camera angles, drone (if permissible), music, and audio coverage of your ceremony, toasts and any other written words that you choose to record with me. We’ll discuss how we can share a vision to make your video unique. I’ve created films for large weddings to adventure elopements. I also work as a filmmaker in the outdoor industry, so I love to incorporate nature as much as possible.

If you are looking to also have a video that covers your entire ceremony and toasts, I do offer that with my 2 videographer package. Let’s discuss options!

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Starting at $7500

Let’s face it, who wants just photo or video when you can have BOTH?! Save huge when combining photo and video packages with me. Although I personally will need to focus on one or the other when attending your wedding, I have a skilled group of photographers and filmmakers to choose from to help complete our team. You’ll get to join in on this process to make sure you like the styles of the potential creatives. I guarantee that you’ll love what we can deliver!

Depending upon your needs and the size of your wedding, we can review options of adding assistants or more time. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!